Tuesday, March 06, 2007

The day started off as a boring day with all the lectures and tutorials. However, when it was Maths tutorial, the tremors came. Our whole was called to gather at the field incase the building collapse. haha. After 5 mins, we were told to return for our lessons. Our maths teacher took this chance to extend the maths tutorial by 30 mins. lol. After the lesson, we went across to SAS to have our lunch because SA food sucks. One would feel sick after eating it. When we came back, we saw the whole school walked towards us. lol. Immediately, we realised that is must be because of more tremors. lol. All of us didn't feel a thing but who cares. We were gathered at the field again. This time, we were dismissed. So, It's MOVIE TIME...... haha. We went to PS for a show. We watched Pan's Ladyrinth. lol. It was quite a funny movie when it is not supposed to. The monsters were quite dumb looking and I don't think it is gross for a NC16 show.

Doing maths now. I really need to put in some hard work. I am really not doing well for my school work. Ok, off i go to do my maths. bye